Convertible Vs. Non-Convertible Debentures
Debentures, along with bonds, are one of the most popular debt instruments. Usually, when companies, and sometimes even the government, wishes to raise funds from the public, they issue debentures. Debentures are referred to as a type of long term debt instrument that is not backed by any collateral. In other words, debentures are not […]
Business Loan for IT Companies in India
Business Loan is one the great way to increase financing towards various business needs. Funding is an extremely significant aspect in line with meeting the vision of a business. Funding and fundraising, both are fundamental modern business scenarios that support the growth of a startup. Business loans are designed to help small businesses and entrepreneurs […]
12 ways to get Business Loan with low CIBIL Score or Bad Credit
The Indian economy is constantly growing with small businesses. Business loan seems like a dream come true. Sometimes, to avail a business loan in India, several challenges arise. 1. Secured Business loans Secured loans are where the person/s when starting a new business can pledge any asset like gold or property that they have as […]
Tips for Applying a Business Loan in 2022
As we head towards 2022, the economy looks way more upbeat than what it did this time last year. As markets opened up, businesses across a spectrum of industries slowly started getting back on their feet. The festive season sales too provided a real shot in the arm. So as businesses look forward to a […]
10 Tips to Use Credit Cards Effectively
Credit cards have become a part of our life. For anything and everything, we end up using credit cards because of the rewards it offers. Credit cards have directly or indirectly increased our spending. We first spend and regret it at the end of the month when we get our bill. The interest expenses on […]
Why we need to Talk about Money with Your Partner
Why it’s important to talk to your partner about money, money conversations among couples are usually reactive they are based around bills, budgets or overspending. Rarely do we have positive discussions about our values and feelings about money. These conversations can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you and your significant other have different views about the ways […]
Financial Wellness during COVID
Adopting financial discipline The stock market, bond market and other financial markets have come down heavy under the hammer of coronavirus. Companies have begun the painful process of layoffs and pay cuts. Demand has been hit, due to consumer sentiment being hit. Global supply chains have seen major disruptions. In short, the whole world is […]
10 Tips for Dealing with Financial Stress after a Job Loss
In the past couple of years, many of us have watched colleagues, friends, and even family members grapple with the loss of their job or face a substantial pay cut. For many of us, it has driven home the fact that even seemingly secure jobs might vanish overnight. But even if one’s monthly income were […]
Personal Loan with Low Salary
Personal loans for most people have become synonymous with everyday life. Be it buying appliances, going on a holiday, starting a business or even meeting emergency expenses, personal loans are the easiest way to finance your needs and even the occasional indulgences. This type of loan can be used for anything from a wedding to paying for […]
10 ways to pay off your Credit Card Dues
Credit cards offer an instant solution to cardholders with most of their purchases and problems. Almost all banks offer a wide range of credit cards for different needs. Credit cards, when used recklessly, are a certain one-way ticket to a debt trap. But the same card, if used smartly, can actually buttress your financial needs […]