Personal and Business Loans made easy!
Consolidate Debt, Elevate Life with Expert Support…

Salary Advance
Advance Salary is a short-term loan against your salary, provided to meet some urgent personal needs.
Home Renovation Loan
As the name suggests, this loan can help you finance your home’s repair and renovation.
Debt Consolidation
we specialise in providing effective solutions for individuals grappling with the stress of multiple high-interest payday loans and overdue credit card debt.
Wedding Loan
This loan aims to help couples and families deal with the pressure of wedding finances.
Travel/Vacation Loan
If you are planning a vacation and wish to take care of your travel bills without draining your savings or affecting your monthly budget, this is the kind of loan you should go for.
Escape the payday loan trap
Save smart, live better with Fundstiger reasonable rates interest!
Medical Loan
Instant medical emergency loan can be a lifesaver.
This loan ensures that you never run out of money and have a sufficient amount in your account if there is an emergency.
Festival Loan
Get instant loans at the time of festivals
Credit Card Balance Transfer
This loan helps you to enjoy a low-interest rate and avoid credit card debt on the existing card
Emergency Loan
An Emergency Loan is basically a Personal Loan that can be used to finance sudden, unforeseen expenses.
Education Loan
Under this special loan scheme, the students of the country are offered financial help to study in renowned institutes in India and abroad.